- سرزندگی تحصیلی، جهت گیری هدفی، خوشبینی تحصیلی، تاب آوری
Amir Sabzipour *, Khadijeh Judki, Ali Danesh payeh - Relationship of Inferiority Feeling to Happiness among Students: The Mediating Role of Loneliness
seddigheh yaghubi, Zohreh Majdabadi Farahani * - The relationship between psychological cohesion and distress tolerance with a tendency to high-risk behaviors in high school students
akbar jadidi mohammadabadi *, Mohammad Ahmadi Deh Qutbaddini, Fatemeh rashidipoor - Developing the causal model of flourishing based on the meaning in life and mindfulness with the mediating role of quality of life
Hossein Mohagheghi *, Fereshteh Motaharifar, Mehran Farhadi, Abolghasem Yaghoobi, Mahya Hosseini - Identifying the dimensions of transformation in humanities with emphasis on the curriculum in the higher education system
farhad abdollahi, shahram ranjdoust *, behboud yarigholi - The effectiveness of philosophy education program for children on critical thinking, academic self-efficacy and spiritual growth of 10-13 year old female students
fereshte salemi *, Ayat saadattalab, alireza mollazade
- Year 2024
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- Year 2020
Accepted Articles
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 15، Number 49
- Print ISSN: 1024-3402
- Online ISSN: 1024-3402
- Director-in-Charge:
- Editor-in-Chief:
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Indexing Databases
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